Affiliate Area

Tell others about this shop, and earn 3% from every purchase they will make

and get earnings directly in to your wallet.


Please log in to access the affiliate area.


If you are not an affiliate, you can join the affiliate program here:



Welcome to your affiliate area. Here you can find information about your affiliate link and earnings.

Affiliate Information


Affiliate link

Your affiliate URL:

Use this code to embed your affiliate link:
<a href="[affiliates_url]">Affiliate link</a>

Tip: You should change the text Affiliate link to something more attractive.


Total Earnings

Commissions pending payment

[affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”accepted”]

Commissions paid

[affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”closed”]

Number of sales referred

  • Accepted referrals pending payment: [affiliates_referrals status=”accepted”]
  • Referrals paid: [affiliates_referrals status=”closed”]

Monthly Earnings
